Parental Guidance
Join us as we continue to host family-friendly seminars (always G-rated) to bring health experts and expert parents together to produce epic kids.

Upcoming Episodes
Thursday February 20, 2025
PG: Heart Health Across all Childhood Stages
February is American Heart Month—a perfect opportunity to start heart-healthy conversations with your kids. By introducing simple, heart-smart habits early, you’re setting them up for a lifetime of wellness. Heart disease remains one of the leading causes of death in the U.S., but prevention can start at any age. Join us for expert advice, covering everything from the importance of nutrition and exercise to recognizing heart concerns. Discover practical tips tailored to your child’s age and development, and learn how to nurture a healthy heart every step of the way. Let’s work together to build strong hearts and healthy futures.
Past Episodes

Thursday April 18, 2024
Parental Guidance: (SPA) Pantallas, las redes sociales y los niños
Pasar demasiado tiempo frente a una pantalla puede causar una serie de problemas de salud y tener un impacto negativo en el sueño y el desarrollo de su hijo. Una vez que su hijo tenga la edad suficiente para tener su propio teléfono y acceder a las redes sociales, se enfrentará a un mayor riesgo de depresión, ansiedad y sentimientos de soledad e insuficiencia. Aprenda cuándo es aceptable desde el punto de vista del desarrollo presentarle pantallas a su hijo, estrategias para limitar la exposición de su hijo a los dispositivos digitales y cómo navegar la vida de su hijo y su exposición a las redes sociales.
Para ver una grabación de este webinar, clic aquí.

Thursday March 21, 2024
Parental Guidance: Understanding Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy is the most common motor disability in childhood. Caused by abnormal brain development, it affects a person’s ability to control their muscles. Learn about the causes of cerebral palsy, effective therapies and treatments, and resources available for support.
To view a recording of this webinar, click here.

Thursday February 15, 2024
Parental Guidance: Preparing for Birth
Whether you are about to have your first baby or your fifth, the birthing process can be overwhelming. Learn the ins and outs of how to prepare yourself for birth and get answers to your top birthing questions.
To view a recording of this webinar, click here.

Thursday January 18, 2024
Parental Guidance: Social Development from Infancy to Adolescence
A child begins developing emotionally from the moment they are born, and keeps learning social skills throughout their life. While kids mature at different paces, learn the many emotional stages that mark your child’s social development, ways to aid in that development, and how to address if your child is not meeting certain milestones.
To view a recording of this webinar, click here.

Thursday December 21, 2023
Parental Guidance: Nutricion para niños
¡El almuerzo está servido! Únase a nosotros mientras desciframos algunos mitos sobre la nutrición, ofrecemos consejos sobre meriendas y brindamos la información que los padres necesitan para no sentirse abrumados con el almuerzo escolar.
Para ver una grabación de este webinar, clic aquí.

Thursday November 16, 2023
Parental Guidance: Prevent Food Allergies from Ruining Your Happy Holidays
With most holiday dishes containing at least one of the top eight allergens, the holidays can be challenging for parents managing food allergies and sensitivities. Join us and learn how to navigate food allergies safely and handle reactions with confidence. Gain the knowledge to keep your family safe and celebrate the holidays worry-free!
To view a recording of this webinar, click here.

Thursday October 19, 2023
Parental Guidance: Preventing Tragedies with Gun Safety
In the U.S., more than a third of homes where children live have guns. Firearms are also the leading cause of death in the nation, for children and teens under the age of 18. Learn about safe firearm storage in your home, as well as how to talk to your kids about gun safety and gun violence.
To view a recording of this webinar, click here.

Thursday September 21, 2023
Parental Guidance: Autism and Neurodiversity
Every child’s mind is one of a kind. Neurodiversity is a term used to describe the range of ways in which people perceive and respond to the world. From autism and ADHD to learning disorders, tune in and learn about neurodiverse conditions, the signs that a child is neurodivergent, and how families and caregivers can better support neurodivergent kids.
To view a recording of this webinar, click here.

Thursday August 17, 2023
Parental Guidance: A Parent’s Guide to Breastfeeding, Pumping, and Feeding their Child
Whether you are planning to exclusively breastfeed, supplement, or formula feed, feeding your child can be as stressful as it is rewarding. From the benefits of breastmilk to figuring out when to introduce your child to solids, learn the ins and outs of feeding your little miracle.
To view a recording of this webinar, click here.